Goal #1
Investigate the fuel-flexible operation of the LEAF and CHAIR concept and extend the use of such technologies to low-carbon multi-fuel operation
Goal #2
Investigate electromagnetic interactions fuel preparation, flame stabilisation and emissions and develop fundamental understanding to enable transition to electric control of emission performance
Goal #3
Development of numerical models and diagnosis tools for the prediction of engine emissions and their control
Goal #4
Morbi varius posuere dui quis feugiat. Proin lacus ex, euismod vel massa id, consequat ornare erat.
Goal #5
Morbi varius posuere dui quis feugiat. Proin lacus ex, euismod vel massa id, consequat ornare erat.
Scenario #1
Morbi varius posuere dui quis feugiat. Proin lacus ex, euismod vel massa id, consequat ornare erat.
Scenario #2
Morbi varius posuere dui quis feugiat. Proin lacus ex, euismod vel massa id, consequat ornare erat.